
星期四, 十月 29, 2009


xiu today soli and xuan
i really dunno i send wrong ur paper..
paisei ...today realyy....i yi wei is for shishun der..
but inside nothing nevermine...
and today the another paper taken by napisah ..
shyt...hope nothing to 发生...
just like tat ....this few day my pemple many ....
haha i think is i eat choclate bah >.<
this few day oso many things happen ...lei ...sad... jor..
really pek cek just like tat
u r a gud person but i hope u dun too chong dong ...(xin qi)
hai...really i zhen xi u this fren (xiao si )...
but hope u ur pi qi dun so ...u know der..
and qing wei and xiao see they are wu gu
when u angry dun scould them k ?
they really are wu gu ..
i cheng ren i really is cause sheng qi
lian a do together scould say real a do not all wrong
i angry der is shi shun .......
i dang ni fren wo cai angry bu ran
another ppl i choi them sha ...
if u gai ur pi qi u will a perfect girl and a wonderful girl
cause ur eye big big ...ren preety ...say real ... i xian mu ni ...
and if u and some 1 gud i oso will ... chi cu ...
but i eat into my stomuch i only can just say ,..
this i time i really jian chi..
u must talk to mi 1st abothen i really not talk to u ...
i angry with u is why u can like tat some time really is u wrong ...
angry can no need so angry
u know u angry come out very scarely ..
i think u dunno ... i that day angry with u 比起来really is 小巫见大巫....
if u see mirror u were know u angry same like monster ...
same like gamster...same like my primary teacher cause that teacher eyes big oso
and she 40 yeras old ++++ haha...
hope u can feel ir change u 脾气...gud gal..
but this time u teach mi a lesson ...
以前i really 不敢 say u wat .. and i 承认...i very 胆小...
this time 过了...i think i will very 大胆...
i will learn got any think 1st is u must say out ...
don keep in ur heart cause another side ppl dunno...
take come out to talk another ppl will know u 想 wat ..

星期二, 十月 27, 2009


shit dunno why today xiao si suddenly fire 害我今天不知道怎样说吗的!!!do i 1st say u u reall y very guai lan !!思your脾气must change ...beside i will kenot 忍~...ur 脾气说来就来...而且坐在你前面的我一定会被你骂你想想不是我要说你脾气真的坏到不可以~就连脾气so gud de mi oso angry liao !!!today is like tat one xin qi want mi with she go to 4c find kai xin ~ leng the eyes ...water and dunno why back ler u ask mi xin qi luv who ! but i kenot say i promise she ler yei....and u say very 过分你说给我知道我一定抢来...子样他们我就高攀不起...靠...u got abit huahua i nvm i 认为is your 个性....but this say got abit 过分....do u at beside 散风点火...u remember this time i at 未来 comfirm no give u any 好脸色for u and u very ugly .....!!!!! shit..face....奸样....小思todayu say many guai guai de thing i dunno is real want anot but i only can say if u say soli to mi i can forgive u hahahahahaha but i think hard~ but this is third time i will not easy to forgive i only can say i will never 主动 with u talk !!!! 除非is u 不然i never shit !!!!
u 想想if not i been u scould is another ppl .that ppl will not happy or u think is u been scould u happy mah ? if u happy i will happy lor.....today i want to eat rice......

andand and jiejie u r angel ...bus der jiejie u really r angel with some 1 not same... 害我在巴士哭残妈妈的。。。。jiejie u ppl very gud i luv u !!!!!u r angel !!!!!u will 过好生活的~thx Q for ur tisu ~.....>.<

today hai really is a bad day ~ i really can say shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
i really angry liao this time ~ wat the fuck ~ why must 摆那种脸色给我看careful u 双眼皮so 深。。。will got 皱纹!!!!!i hate u !!! this time no reason u angry mi i really feel that i no wrong !!! i no wrong all wrong is u !!! u must say soli to mi shit and 发誓kenot 摆臭脸to mi 除非 is mi wrong !!! this time i no wrong last time is mi teach u matematies 才和好的this time i will not!!!! shit last time oso like tat 怀疑心起is say the think to zuo min then i tell u cheak clearly 才生气... u 直接angry with mi ....and 后来is tian yao say der ,。,。。u no say soli to mi nvm but u 误会another ppl lei....must say soli ok!!!...u r wrong ur 脾气 must 改 ok !!!? i really angry ... if 2moro u give bad face u will know i will say u bad face very ugly!!! will got zhou wen!!!! careful ok 双眼皮so深!~ 都no think easy get 下垂!!!!heng@@!!! 明明胸big mi 3 cm always 酸 mi 胸 small !!! i hate u ~ and i at jason u very Bian tai i only can say u shitshitshitshitshitshit shit shit shit i wish i can have bf i want 对我真心的同年der i want very sayang mi der !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T.T my eye cry ler very preety hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha i very happy now ......

星期一, 十月 26, 2009


但是...他妈的我今天用脸接球而且是排球哦...我的脸超级痛的...shit!我只是想说这个今天不爽...shit!! u nya bu shit today kansai so sad todat and i fat until 43.5 原来是41的....ler wahahahahaha cause i this few day always eat many ride at reset i eat many 分量是两碗...back home i oso eat 2 碗... at night dinner i oso `I THINK I DUN WANT FAT DOU HARD~HAHA HAPPY i can fat fat ler i want fat until 46 ~ yahoo~~~~

星期一, 十月 12, 2009


在加上他们几个又在吵架有为人我只是说实情还被她骂~这个也是导致我心情不好的原因小思你说我们的班的人为什么会将的你也要想想在谁会没有心机包过你自己呢...我都不敢说我不是不会是坏心眼的人呢。。。。就将发泄完毕>.<哦还有妈的读到半死默写竟然没有拿满分....shit shit shit^@&%#&FE...!!!!!!!!!

星期三, 九月 30, 2009



星期日, 八月 23, 2009

holiday boring

holiday very boring yesterday go to mother day work shit =0= scould scould ....>.< but today xin qing hai ok but boring haha

星期五, 八月 21, 2009

happy no thing to 忧虑

nothing to say wahahahah
i only can say i zui jin like to
edit my pitcure wahahaha shuang!!!
最近过得very happy xiaxia^_^
dun worry about mi le~ !!!

星期四, 五月 21, 2009


这个标题就是哈哈~想到就觉得难道男生根女生不能有友谊吗?神经病~还是你是马来人你脑经有问题=0=开玩笑没有要骂老师的意思~我那样乖~。。。我跟他清白别误会!!今天马来文节,我朝乖地说。。。好用心的听课哦~哈哈~过后来到数学节,有点想睡觉~显显的~结果下课了~烦人的事情来了~某个任何一团的朋友来了我们这里~其实他昨天就和我们下课了~。。。吵架了~。。。T.T难道又要像cindy那样了阿~?过后英文节~不用说当然是显到要死啦~呵呵~过后地理杰来了~重头戏~哈哈全部东西都在这里发生了~我们那般还是一样一到ali节我们就超级无敌的吵。。。在那街听到很多笑话哈哈~笑死我了~什么动物最瞧不起人~ 答案是~壁虎哈哈~知道为什么吗?because~壁虎总是在墙壁上面用很践的声音~笑下方的人~呵呵~如果还不懂意思的话看来你的领悟能力够差=P过后由于本人没有中家长日然后跟我隔壁那个人说我满想中去的,过后他跟ali讲~希望明天不要中阿~~!!那一天是飞轮海的签唱会不行我不能去家长日啊~...过后结果那个人走过。。思九死命叫我结果给三个臭皮匠知道了~我果然还是中酸酸酸酸酸到很够力咯~...T.T结果今天就这样过了~^_^在巴士要回家前有一个人我明明跟他不是很熟~...过后~。。。莫名其妙~...今天就蒋过了~我希望他们可以和好别吵架了~。。。我不想帮任何一边~^_^我们已经够少女生了~别吵架了~!·拜托朋友们~明天又默写怎么办!!~而且它是原文的~就是那种以前的华文很难背叻~T.T~


星期三, 五月 20, 2009

