
星期三, 三月 31, 2010


today got abit sad and happy sad and happy because of i didn be assitant ler~
i sad because be so long got a bit 感情
happy because photo i no need to sit beside teacher =o==o=
this made mi happy happy~
2moro is 愚人节 hope nothing to 发生 ^_^
but i will oso 作弄人 wahahhaha
this few day i 吵架 with my cousin ...
haha haven 和好~=o=
not my 错... who ask her so guai lan...
is like that~
today i see that ... a boy ... his name behnd got a wat wat shen de
2moro i will 努力 see wat his name ^_^
that shen very nice man sia~
haha today see some 1 my old bus der a boy play breaking then fall down... =o=
got abit funny sia~~haha not i wan laugh him cause really very 搞笑~=o=
today like that ler~


